The Grind Game

Umama Tanveer.
2 min readJan 15, 2022

Productivity is quite a subjective topic yet everyone seems to be taunted by it, me being no exception. The internet is flooded with articles and videos on HOW to be productive and squeeze the most out of your day which I duly appreciate and admire. Yet no one seems to discuss WHAT is productivity.

Yes, I know it’s quite obvious what is meant by being productive but in most cases, it isn’t explicitly mentioned. Hence many of us are greeted by the ruthless emotion of rue and beat ourselves up for not ticking every task off the list whilst we shouldn’t be feeling like this in the first place.

If I convey the definition to you verbatim it is; the effectiveness of productive effort. You can note that nowhere is it mentioned to ensure you are occupied 7 days of the week, 24 hours every day. That’s negating the concept of productivity! This is because if we stretch out our efforts disproportionately over a span of time we might end up with not much accomplished.

Instead, it’s ideal to build up your workflow in short bursts of intentional efficiency. Therefore whatever task you are doing ends up seemingly more refurbished compared to if done under marathon-like circumstances. In a nutshell, play out your productivity sessions like sprints. Concise but brimming with stamina.

This brings me to my second point; tiring yourself out to the point of exhaustion will do you no good. Most importantly his will have a massively degrading impact on your standard and quality of work. You won’t be able to deliver and present your optimum performance in this state of burnout. Even if the stars align in your favour and the result matches up with your expectations your physical and mental being will most definitely be infuriated at you!

I have learnt this the hard way. During the preparations for the GCE exams, I was working like a machine day in and day out making a conscious effort not to reward myself with any breaks. Though the hard work paid off and I got a spectacular result, I was malevolently greeted by a burnout right in the middle of exam week! It was a terrible and demoralizing experience but I was forced to pick myself up because at this crucial point in exam season I couldn’t afford to squander any time and allow my focus to deviate. Scary times man. But what truly matters is the lesson I learnt here and thankfully this message is embedded in me now!

To wrap up this unintentional harangue I want to remind everyone reading that even if you have ticked off only a few boxes on your task list, pat yourself on the back because progress is gradual and the only sustainable way to augment your efficiency hours is through baby steps.

Once again appreciate yourself!




Umama Tanveer.

cognizing the tangle in my noggin ⇨ with a cuppa chai ☕